Use of PCSO-524® with Physical Rehabilitation to Regain Mobility in Dogs after Femoral Head and Neck Excision

Use of PCSO-524® with Physical Rehabilitation to Regain Mobility in Dogs after Femoral Head and Neck Excision

Antinol® Cases Study 2020


Antinol® Cases Study 2020 Content

3rd Winning Award


Use of PCSO-524® with Physical Rehabilitation to Regain Mobility in Dogs after Femoral Head and Neck Excision

Anchulee Dulchart, DVM,

Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Bang Khen Campus



An 8 years old Pomeranian dog showed acute non weight-bearing lameness of the right hind limb after high jumping. Preliminary examination identified pain at the right hip and radiographic images revealed right hip luxation. 

Femoral head and neck excision was performed for the surgical treatment. 

Multimodal treatment scheme deployed after the surgery consisted of neutraceutical PCSO-524® and physical rehabilitation using laser class 4, exercise such as Cavaletti exercise, balanced board, walking on treadmill, and hydrotherapy including walking under water and swimming. 

Evaluation of the treatment during follow-up showed decreased pain score and severity of lameness, which was consistent with the owner’s report that described improvement of weight- bearing of the right hind limb and the quality of life. 


Keywords: Femoral head and neck excision, Hip luxation, PCSO-524®, Rehabilitation 

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Use of PCSO-524® with Physical Rehabilitation to Regain Mobility in Dogs after Femoral Head and Neck Excision. Anchulee Dulchart. Antinol® Cases Study 2020
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