Use of PCSO-524® Along with Physical Therapy for Controlling Pain and Inflammation in a Cat Suffering from Osteoarthritis, Chronic Kidney Disease and Triaditis

Use of PCSO-524® Along with Physical Therapy for Controlling Pain and Inflammation in a Cat Suffering from Osteoarthritis, Chronic Kidney Disease and Triaditis

Antinol® Case Study 2018

Mananya Danpitakkul

Suvarnachad Animal Hospital, Saphan Sung, Bangkok, Thailand

Pitcha Pornmingmas

Suvarnachad Animal Hospital, Saphan Sung, Bangkok, Thailand

Supattra Yongsiri

Suvarnachad Animal Hospital, Saphan Sung, Bangkok, Thailand



Antinol® Case Study 2018 Content

1st Winning Award


Use of PCSO-524® Along with Physical Therapy for Controlling Pain and Inflammation in a Cat Suffering from Osteoarthritis, Chronic Kidney Disease and Triaditis

Mananya Danpitakkul, DVM, Pitcha Pornmingmas, DVM, Supattra Yongsiri, DVM, Suvarnachad Animal Hospital, Thailand

Honorable Committee

1) Associate Professsor, Dr.Rosama Pusoonthornthum, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University

2) Assistant Professor Dr.Monchanok Vijarnsorn, Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University

3) Assistant Professor Dr.Walasinee Sakcamduang, Veterinary Science, Mahidol University

4) Assistant Professor Dr.Kumpanart Sundaravibhata, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University

5) Dr. Chaiyot Tanrattana, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University

6) Assistant Professor Dr.Tassanee Jaroensong, Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University



A spayed female domestic shorthaired cat aged 21 years and weighed 4.2 kilograms with history of chronic kidney disease and triaditis was referred to Suvarnachad Animal Hospital.

The cat showed signs of both hind limb weakness, limp tail and pain around posterior body part. Other signs included polydipsia, polyuria, and diarrhea. Radiographic examination revealed osteoarthritis at lumbosacral joint, elbow and both stifle joints. Hematological and blood chemistry tests showed mild anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, increased serum amyloid A and Increased Feline pancreatic lipase.

Administration of PCSO-524® and physical therapy were provided to reduce systematic and local pain and inflammation. The supportive treatment was continued for 15 months, during the first 2 months of which, the lumbosacral joint painwas reduced and then disappeared after 5 months. The control of elbow and knee joint pain was satisfied for the whole treatment period.

The cat was able to move the tail and resume normal walking after the 1st and 5th month of the treatment, respectively. Ability to jump and climb returned in the 5th and 8th month. However, the cat had improved defecation within 3 months. Testing of feline pancreatic lipase and serum amyloid A showed normal levels after 7 months of the treatment.


Keywords chronic kidney disease,osteoarthritis, PCSO-524®, triaditis

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Use of PCSO-524® Along with Physical Therapy for Controlling Pain and Inflammation in a Cat Suffering from Osteoarthritis, Chronic Kidney Disease and Triaditis. Mananya Danpitakkul & Et Al. Antinol® Case Study 2018
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