A Study of Efficacy and Safety
of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) in Treatment of Medial Patellar Luxation and Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in a Yorkshire Terrier Dog

Antinol® Cases Study 2016 Content
2nd Winning Award
A Study of Efficacy and Safety of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) in Treatment of Medial Patellar Luxation and Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in a Yorkshire Terrier Dog
Kanok Bamrungsri, Chaengwattana Animal Hospital
Male Yorkshire terrier dog aged 7 years weight 2.5 kg suffered from lameness of left Hind limb.
Examination found medial patellar luxation of grade 3 and chronic cranial cruciate ligament rupture.
PCSO-524® (Antinol®) 100 mg per day, double size of recommended dose for dogs weighed less than 20kg, was prescribed.
Examination of lameness score and pain on palpation showed improvement after PCSO-524® (Antinol®) treatment. Radiographic images taken before and after 45 days treatment with PCSO-524® (Antinol®) did not find progress of the lesion. Hematological and biochemistry parameters after 45 days treatment with PCSO-524® (Antinol®) indicated that the medication was safe to use.
Keywords: Dogs, medial patellar luxation, cranial cruciate ligament rupture, PCSO-524® (Antinol®)