Use of PCSO-524® in Combination with Prednisolone for Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury from Disc Protrusion in Dogs

Antinol® Cases Study 2016 Content
2nd Winning Award
Use of PCSO-524® in Combination with Prednisolone for Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury from Disc Protrusion in Dogs
Kanokwan Kerdwut1, Pichnan Leeharatanarak1, Wutiwong Teerapan1, Pakatorn Lewchalermwong1, Anchulee Dulyachat1
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University
Male Shih tzu dog aged 9 years and 1 month was diagnosed with limb paralysis after jumping 4 days prior to the hospital visit. The dog showed weak response of forelimb reflex and severe neck pain. X-ray examination showed block vertebrae at C3 and C4.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination found mild disc protrusion, compression on spinal cord and myelopathy at C4 and C5 with compression on the right dorsal lamina.
Prednisolone and gabapentin were prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain, respectively.
Follow-up examination showed that the dog had improved neurological signs and the limb paralysis was at level 2. However.weakness of all 4 legs was still present, particularly on the right side. The dog fell on the right more often than the left while walking. Reflex response of left forelimb was better than that of right forelimb. Neck pain was decreased. The dog had polydipsia and polyuria. Hematological examination found that alkaline phosphatase (ALK) highly increased compared to value on the first day; therefore dosage of prednisolone was reduced. Follow-up after reduction of prednisolone showed that the dog fell more often while walking and slight neck pain was present.
Prednisolone dosage was then increased and PCSO-524® was prescribed to reduce inflammation of the spinal cord.
Later examination found that the dog could walk without falling, both forelimbs showed normal reflex, and signs of neck pain disappeared. Termination of prednisolone was then started without any recurrent clinical signs.
After continuous treatment with PCSO-524® for 6 weeks, the dog could walk normally, both forelimbs showed normal reflex, and the ALK level was nearly back to the level prior to the treatment.
Keywords: Disc protrusion, prednisolone, PCSO-524®, myelopathy, block vertebrae