Clinical Effect of PCSO-524® on 3 Osteoarthritic Cats Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease

Antinol® Case Study 2018 Content
2nd Winning Award
Clinical Effect of PCSO-524® on 3 Osteoarthritic Cats Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease
Pemika Dulyapraphant, DVM, Small Animal Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University
Honorable Committee
1) Associate Professsor, Dr.Rosama Pusoonthornthum, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University
2) Assistant Professor Dr.Monchanok Vijarnsorn, Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University
3) Assistant Professor Dr.Walasinee Sakcamduang, Veterinary Science, Mahidol University
4) Assistant Professor Dr.Kumpanart Sundaravibhata, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University
5) Dr. Chaiyot Tanrattana, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University
6) Assistant Professor Dr.Tassanee Jaroensong, Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University
Three cats suffering from chronic kidney disease were admitted to animal hospital.
The first cat showed sudden onset of right hindlimb pain without apparent cause. Bladder stone was found in the second cat while the third cat was admitted for nursing care. Caging was applied and fluid therapy were administered for the third cat. All 3 cats had never been diagnosed with arthritis prior to the admission.
X-ray examination showed symptoms of arthritis at hip and stifle joints. PCSO-524® was then administered daily for 60 days.
Pain evaluation using Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (FMPI), which is a reliable and effective method for pain evaluation in cats (Benito et al., 2013), showed that, after the treatment, chronic pain was decreased in all of the cats (Appendix 1). The cats’ behavior was nearly normal compared with the behavior before the treatment. Interaction between the cats and owners was improved as well.
By the end of the experiment, UP/C ratio was not altered and blood creatinine tended to decrease.
Keywords: Cats, Chronic kidney disease, Osteoarthritis, PCSO-524®