Nutraceutical Treatment of Feline Fhne and Hip Dysplasia in an 8-Month Old Cat

Nutraceutical Treatment of Feline Fhne and Hip Dysplasia in an 8-Month Old Cat

Antinol® Case Study 2018




Antinol® Case Study 2018 Content


1st Winning Award


Nutraceutical Treatment of Feline Fhne and Hip Dysplasia in an 8-Month Old Cat

Piyathida Ardaum, DVM & Napapon Senarat, DVM

Honorable Committee

1) Associate Professsor, Dr.Rosama Pusoonthornthum, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University

2) Assistant Professor Dr.Monchanok Vijarnsorn, Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University

3) Assistant Professor Dr.Walasinee Sakcamduang, Veterinary Science, Mahidol University

4) Assistant Professor Dr.Kumpanart Sundaravibhata, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University

5) Dr. Chaiyot Tanrattana, Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University

6) Assistant Professor Dr.Tassanee Jaroensong, Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University



A Persian male cat named KaoMalt aged 8 months and 20 days and 2.8 kg body weight had a high fall injury that resulted in lameness. It was diagnosed with right hip luxation and left hip injury. While waiting for surgical treatment, the cat was treated with NSAIDs to control pain and inflammation.

After the operation on the right femoral head (right FHNE), the cat received antibiotics and NSAIDs for 10 and 3 consecutive days, respectively. Two weeks after the operation, the lameness and pain of the right hip, as observed from palpation, still remained, but the cat began to bear partial weight.

PCSO-524® was then prescribed and the gait analysis was performed to measure the angle of joint movement.

The monitoring showed increased angle of joint movement and decreased lameness score. This was consistent with the owner report that described less hiding behavior of the cat and improved high jump performance and better quality of life.


Keywords: Femoral head and neck excision, cat, PCSO-524®, lameness, hip dysplasia

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Nutraceutical Treatment of Feline Fhne and Hip Dysplasia in an 8-Month Old Cat. Piyathida Ardaum. Antinol® Case Study 2018
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