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Effects of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) Supplementation during 12 Months Follow-up in 2 Cats with Cystitis and Chronic Renal Disease

Two female cats, spayed, lived in the same house, aged 17 years weighted 2.2 kg and 10 years 4.4 kg, were having chronic renal failure and concurrent cystitis.
Both cats were treated with fluid therapy intravenously in the early period and later subcutaneously. The diet was changed to diet formulated for cats with renal failure (Hill’s Prescription diet k/d) for both cats. Avastamine (RenAvastTM) 1 capsule bid for 1 month, Cystaid® cat (Acetyl 0-Glucosamine: NAG125 mg) l capsule bid for 1 month, and PCSO-524® (Vetz Petz Antinol®) 1 capsule sid continuously were prescribed for the first cat. The second cat received only PCSO-524® (Vetz Petz Antinol®) 1 capsule sid continuously.
The treatment results showed general health improvement, weight gain (2.6 kg and 5.1 kg in the first and second cat, respectively), less hair loss, decreased degree of polydipsia and polyuria, and improvement of blood parameters.
No adverse effect of the continuous treatment was found after 18 and 13 months in the first and second cat, respectively.
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