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Preliminary Study on Treatment Outcomes and Prednisolone Tapering after Marine Lipid Extract EAB-277 Supplementation in Dogs with Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia

Simple Summary: Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) in dogs is a common autoimmune disease which is accompanied with a high death rate and therapeutic challenges. A natural antiinflammatory nutraceutical product, EAB-277, is derived from marine lipids. Unfortunately, the effects of EAB-277 in IMHA dogs has rarely been investigated. The objective of this study is to assess the clinical effects of EAB-277 and prednisolone dose-tapering for supplemental therapy in IMHA dogs. The findings provide evidence that standard therapy combined with EAB-277 can improve hematological and blood chemistry profiles, resulting in a higher survival rate in IMHA dogs. Furthermore, EAB-277 supplementation can reduce prednisolone dosage tapering and improve the quality of life of IMHA dogs. However, a longer-term study with a larger sample size is necessary to corroborate these findings. As a result, marine EAB-277 is a promising alternative to existing medication for IMHA. Since the nutraceuticals have been utilized not only for nutrition but also as supplemental therapy for the treatment of a wide range of illnesses, such as minimizing the adverse effects of immunosuppressive therapy with steroids.

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