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Use of Acupuncture in Combination with PCSO-524® (Antinol®) for Treatment of Hindlimb Paresis in Prairie Dogs

A prairie dog was admitted to the hospital due to falling from a height accident.
During 2 weeks of admission, the animal was treated with steroid and vitamin B, however, no response was observed.
Alternative medicine; acupuncture, was then applied in combination with PCSO-524® (Antinol®) to enhance the effects of acupuncture on pain relief and repairing the damaged neurons.
Excellent recovery was observed after 1 month of the treatment.
The animal could stand in normal position, express other normal gestures, and the reflex was nearly fully recovered.
PCSO-524® as Supportive Therapy for Generalized Alopcia in Guinea Pigs

Skin diseases are common in guinea pigs. Most frequently identified cause is improper management, for example, high humidity, unhygienic environment, nutrient deficiency, and high density, which may result in skin irritation leading to complications and alopecia. Hair growth mechanism in guinea pigs is affected by several factors such as photoperiod, environmental temperature, nutrition, physical health, stress, genetics, and some other internal factors.
The aim of using PCSO-524® for supportive therapy of general alopecia is to reduce the skin irritation and to improve the skin and hair condition.
Previous pilot studies showed that the treatment is effective for hair growth and improvement of hair condition in various exotic pets. Therefore the objective of this study is to study the efficacy of PCSO-524® for treatment of general alopecia and skin irritation due to scabies mite infestation and fungal infection in guinea pigs.
The ultimate goal is to find alternative treatment to other anti-inflammatory medications and to reduce the quantity and frequency of medication use in guinea pigs, the species that is known to be difficult for medication administration.
Anti-inflammatory activity of
a lipid fraction (lyprinol) from the
NZ green-lipped mussel

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New researches and publications related to PCSO-524® and its result in clnical test submitted by veterinarians on the global conferences every year and the data keeps growing with more studies conducted