Chaiyot Tanrattana

Clinical study of PCSO-524 (ANTINOL™) as neutraceutical in canine allergic skin disease

Oral Presentation at The World Veterinary Congress WVAC 2018

This study included 31 allergic dogs with chronic pruritis with other skin diseases excluded.

Dogs were split into 3 treatment groups based on degree of pruritis, distribution, extension of the lesions and skin and coat condition; Group 1: mild, Group 2: moderate, and Group 3: severe.

All dogs received PCSO-524 loading dose 10 mg/kg q12hr PO for 2 weeks followed by a maintenance dose of 10 mg/kg q24hr PO.

All dogs were evaluated at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks for clinical response. The assessment made by the owners (PVAS Score) and Vets (CADESI-03 score).



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