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Effects of Dietary Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplement on Healthy Beagle Dogs

A randomized complete blocked design was assigned to 40 healthy Beagle dogs aged between 1 to 3 years old. All dogs were separated into 4 groups, each of which had 5 males and 5 females.
Adaptation and test periods were of 2 and 8 weeks duration, respectively.
Four dietary treatments were composed of basal diet plus 20 empty capsules as placebo (negative control), basal diet plus 2 (the recommended dose), 6 (3 times the recommended dose) and 20 capsules (10 times the recommended dose) of n-3 PUFAs (PCSO-524®: Antinol®).
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New researches and publications related to PCSO-524® and its result in clnical test submitted by veterinarians on the global conferences every year and the data keeps growing with more studies conducted