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The Effectiveness of Marine Based Fatty Acid Compound (PCSO-524) and Firocoxib in the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis

This randomized double blinded study included 79 mixed breed dogs that had hip and/or stifle OA with X-ray confirmation. Outcome measures were changes in Kinetic force plate gait analysis-Peak Vertical Force (PVF), the Orthopedic Assessment Score (OAS), Canine Brief Pain Inventory score (CBPI), and serum prostaglandin E2 concentration (PGE2).
The results of the study suggest that within each group of a combination (PCSO-524 and Firocoxib), PCSO-524, Firocoxib showed the significant improvement of weight bearing ability but not in the comparison between.
The Effectiveness of Marine Based Fatty Acid Compound (PCSO-524) Alone and Combined with Firocoxib in the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis

(VOS conference, March 2018)
This randomized study involved 31 mixed breed dogs with x ray confirmed OA of stifle joint. They were split into 2 groups for four weeks of treatment.
The results showed a non-significant effect of the treatment on the adjusted Peak Vertical Force (PVF) value (p=0.447) among the 2 treatment groups.
The Effectiveness of Marine Based Fatty Acid Compound (PCSO-524) and Firocoxib in the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis.

This randomized double blinded study included 79 mixed breed dogs that had hip and/or stifle OA with X-ray confirmation. Outcome measures were changes in Kinetic force plate gait analysis-Peak Vertical Force (PVF), the Orthopedic Assessment Score (OAS), Canine Brief Pain Inventory score (CBPI), and serum prostaglandin E2 concentration (PGE2).
The results of the study suggest that within each group of a combination (PCSO-524 and Firocoxib), PCSO-524, Firocoxib showed the significant improvement of weight bearing ability but not in the comparison between.
PCSO-524® for Treatment of Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis in Dogs

An 8-year old Chihuahua dog was admitted for surgical treatment of patella luxation at Small Animal Hospital of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
At 2 weeks prior to the hospital visit, the dog showed signs of fever, anorexia, lethargy, and lameness of the left leg. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) was prescribed at that time but the dog had no response to the treatment.
The dog received prednisolone 0.6 mg/kg bid, gabapentin 10 mg/kg sid, samylin® liver supplement 1 tablet sid, and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid 20 mg/kg sid in the first week of the treatment. Then prednisolone was stopped due to elevation of liver enzymes; AST, ALT, and ALK.
The following 1-month treatment course included cyclosporine 6 mg/kg bid, gabapentin 10 mg/kg bid, samylin® 1 tablet sid, and PCSO-524® 1 capsule bid.
This article was summarized from the original article published in The Journal of Thai Veterinary Practitioners by the permission of Veterinary Practitioner Association of Thailand (VPAT)
The Treatment of Medial Coronoid Disease in a Seven Months Old Labrador Retriever

Labrador retriever dog aged 7 months with history of right forelimb pain for 1 month was diagnosed as Medial Coronoid Disease (MCD) on both sides.
Radiographic and Computed Tomography (CT) examinations found subtrochlear sclerosis on left elbow. Arthrotomy was operated on the dog using subtotal coronoid ostectomy technique on the medial side of both elbows. Long-term treatment included physical rehabilitation, and nutrition therapy including administration of PCSO-524® and glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate. The dog was followed-up for 6 months for orthopedic examination and assessment by force plate gait analysis.
Two months after the operation, right forelimb could bear body weight, however left forelimb was still lame with lameness score of 1/4. Comparison of radiographic image showed that the left and right elbow was affected from moderate and mild osteoarthritis, respectively. Treatment success for MCD depends on early and accurate detection of the disease and appropriate treatment plan.
Multimodal plan consisting of surgical treatment, medication, nutrition therapy and physical rehabilitation, is proposed.
Effectiveness of Disease Modifying Osteoarthritis Agents and Carprofen for Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis

A prospective, randomized, single-blinded study was conducted to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of disease modifying osteoarthritis agents (DMOAAs) and carprofen by using force plate gait analysis and orthopaedic assessment score (OAS) in osteoarthritic dogs.
Forty dogs with hip and/or stifle osteoarthritis (OA) were assigned randomly into four treatment groups:
PCSO-524, treated with a marine-based fatty-acid compound; GC-ASU, treated with a combination of glucosamine-chondroitin sulphate and avocado/soybean unsaponifiables; CPF, treated with carprofen; and CPF-PCSO, treated with a combination of carprofen and PCSO-524. Each group received the therapeutic agent orally for four weeks.
Peak vertical force (PVF), OAS, haematology and blood chemistry values were evaluated before treatment, and on the second and fourth weeks post-treatment.
No significant effect was found in the PVF, OAS and blood values among the four treatment groups.
The Effectiveness of Marine Based Fatty Acid Compound and NSAIDs for the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis: a preliminary study

The Objectives of this study were to investigate the effectiveness of PCSO-524, NSAIDs and combination of NSAIDs and PCSO-524 in the treatment of canine osteoarthritis through the use of force plate gait analysis.
Study Design: A prospective block-randomized single-blinded study.
Animals: Thirty client-owned dogs that had clinical and radiographic evidences of hip or stifle osteoarthritis.
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