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Antinol® Case Study Contest 2020

The 8 Case Studies from Antinol® Case Study Contest of 2020.
1st Winning Awards
1) Use of PCSO-524® and Cyclosporin for Treatment of Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis in Dogs
2) Use of PCSO-524® for Supplementary Treatment of Protein Losing Nephropathy in Animals
2nd Winning Awards
3) Use of PCSO-524®(Antinol®) in a Pomeranian Dog with Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease (DMVD) and Cardiac Tumor of the Left Atrium
3rd Winning Awards
4) Use of PCSO-524 (Antinol®) for Treatment of Chronic Pododermatitis in FIghting Cocks
5) Use of PCSO-524® with Physical Rehabilitation to Regain Mobility in Dogs after Femoral Head and Neck Excision
6) Use of PSCO-524® (Antinol®) and Casting for Treatment of Tetraparesis and Neck Pain Due to Atlantoaxial Instability and Subluxation of the 1st-2nd Cervical Vertebrae
7) Effect of One Year Treatment with PCSO-524® on Feline Dermatophytic Pseudomycetoma
Updated Study Topics
New researches and publications related to PCSO-524® and its result in clnical test submitted by veterinarians on the global conferences every year and the data keeps growing with more studies conducted