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A randomised, double-blinded, controlled trial to determine the efficacy of combined therapy of oclacitinib and marine oil extract PCSO-524 in dogs with atopic dermatitis

Effect of One Year Treatment with PCSO-524® on Feline Dermatophytic Pseudomycetoma

Feline dermatophytic pseudomycetoma is fungal infections of the skin caused by dermatophytes (Microsporum spp.)
The diagnosis is based on histopathological test. The infection causes clinical lesion and chronic inflammation of the skin.
Long-term treatment is necessary with antifungal agents and anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended in case of severe inflammation.
Due to anti-inflammatory and skin enrichment effects of PCSO-524® (Antinol®), it is used for supportive treatment of feline dermatophytic pseudomycetoma in this case.
Administration of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) also reduces the risk of adverse effects from using other anti-inflammatory agents.
The use is simple and can reduce the dosage of other medications, particularly in difficult cats that do not cooperate with taking oral medicine.
Treatment outcome can be evaluated from physical examination, hematological and blood chemistry tests, and body weight gain.
Over one-year treatment period, there was no signs of side effects from the treatment, the blood test results were stable and the quality of life and social interaction between the cat and the owner was improved.
Use of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) and Antipruritic Drug for Treatment of Itch Caused by Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) and Psychological Alopecia in Domestic Short Hair Cat

The cat in this case was affected with skin disease caused by flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and psychological alopecia.
Holistic treatment was the choice of treatment in this case. Medical treatment was applied to the cat and environments surrounding the cat was managed. PCSO-524® (Antinol®) in combination with other antipruritic drugs was used to relieve itch and inflammation of the chronic skin disease and to strengthen the skin.
During 210 days of the study, environment was managed and intensive parasitic control was applied to every cat in the house in order to control flea. The study showed efficacy of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) for treatment of skin inflammation, strengthening the skin, and itch relief.
During day 160-210 of the treatment, administration of other anti-itch drugs was terminated due to psychological alopecia that caused constant licking by the cat. PCSO-524® (Antinol®) was recommended in this case since it can be used for long-term treatment without adverse effects.
The study concluded that PCSO-524® (Antinol®) in combination with other antipruritic drugs and environmental management is effective.
Clinical study of PCSO-524 (ANTINOL™) as neutraceutical in canine allergic skin disease

This study included 31 allergic dogs with chronic pruritis with other skin diseases excluded.
Dogs were split into 3 treatment groups based on degree of pruritis, distribution, extension of the lesions and skin and coat condition; Group 1: mild, Group 2: moderate, and Group 3: severe.
All dogs received PCSO-524 loading dose 10 mg/kg q12hr PO for 2 weeks followed by a maintenance dose of 10 mg/kg q24hr PO.
All dogs were evaluated at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks for clinical response. The assessment made by the owners (PVAS Score) and Vets (CADESI-03 score).
Efficacy of Oral PCSO-524®
as an Anti-Inflammatory Medicationin a Persian Cat with Pruritic Skin Disease

This is a case report of a Persian cat with severe pruritus, which was not improved by topical external parasitic treatment, food trial and 2 months treatment with oral cyclosporine at the dose 5mg/kg. The cat developed corneal ulcer after the long-term treatment with oral cyclosporine.
PCSO-524® (Antinol® Vetz Petz, New Zealand) was replaced cyclosporine as an anti-inflammation treatment and also was considered as a skin barrier support.
The cause of pruritic in this case report was still inconclusive, but the skin lesions of this cat resolved after 2 months supplement with oral PCSO-524® and external parasitic treatment with oral f vluralaner (Bravecto®, MSD).
In conclusion, oral PCSO-524® (Antinol®, Vetz Petz), could be considered as an anti-inflammation and skin barrier support when the cats could not be treated with potent anti-inflammatory medications such as corticosteroid or cyclosporine. The underlying causes of pruritic skin lesions should be corrected in order to manage feline pruritic skin diseases.
PCSO-524® as Supportive Therapy for Generalized Alopcia in Guinea Pigs

Skin diseases are common in guinea pigs. Most frequently identified cause is improper management, for example, high humidity, unhygienic environment, nutrient deficiency, and high density, which may result in skin irritation leading to complications and alopecia. Hair growth mechanism in guinea pigs is affected by several factors such as photoperiod, environmental temperature, nutrition, physical health, stress, genetics, and some other internal factors.
The aim of using PCSO-524® for supportive therapy of general alopecia is to reduce the skin irritation and to improve the skin and hair condition.
Previous pilot studies showed that the treatment is effective for hair growth and improvement of hair condition in various exotic pets. Therefore the objective of this study is to study the efficacy of PCSO-524® for treatment of general alopecia and skin irritation due to scabies mite infestation and fungal infection in guinea pigs.
The ultimate goal is to find alternative treatment to other anti-inflammatory medications and to reduce the quantity and frequency of medication use in guinea pigs, the species that is known to be difficult for medication administration.
The Use of Cyclosporine and PCSO-524® in the Treatment of Alopecia and Dermatitis due to Sebaceous Adenitis in Rabbits

Female Holland Lop rabbit aged 9 years and 6 months was taken to the hospital for treatment of dermatitis.
Clinical signs included alopecia with unknown cause, dry and course hair, scaling, dry and cracked skin.
The laboratory examination consisted of superficial skin scraping, cellophane tape technique and dermatophyte test kit examination.
External parasites, yeast, and fungi were not found. However, skin biopsy identified hyperkeratosis, follicular dystrophy, and decreased number of sebaceous gland.
After sebaceous adenitis was diagnosed, the rabbit was treated with 5mg/kg cyclosporine sid and 1 capsule of PCS0-524® sid for more than 6 months in order to reduce the skin inflammation and hairrestoration.
No adverse effects were found and the hair loss was replaced by new hair growth, softer hair and less scaling was observed.
Updated Study Topics
New researches and publications related to PCSO-524® and its result in clnical test submitted by veterinarians on the global conferences every year and the data keeps growing with more studies conducted