The Effectiveness of Marine Based Fatty Acid Compound (PCSO-524) Alone and Combined with Firocoxib in the Treatment of Canine Osteoarthritis


This randomized study involved 31 mixed breed dogs with x ray confirmed OA of stifle joint. They were split into 2 groups for four weeks of treatment.

The results showed a non-significant effect of the treatment on the adjusted Peak Vertical Force (PVF) value (p=0.447) among the 2 treatment groups.


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The 6 Case Studies from Antinol® Case Study Contest of 2018.

Antinol® Contest has been organized successfully for 3 years since 2016 in Thailand.

The key objective of this scientific contest is to encourage knowledges sharing amongst the Vet practitioners on how to treat the companion animals inflammatory cases safely & effectively by using Antinol in conjunctive with others medicines especially the NSAIDs (Non Steroidal anti-inflammation drugs) which is the drug of choices of anti-inflammatory problems.



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A Persian cat aged 21 years was diagnosed with Dynamic Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM) and treated with PCSO-524® (Antinol®) for 45 days.

The cat regained quality of life and daily activities such as grooming and walking, increased appetite, ingestion and weight gain after the treatment. Serum Amyloid A (SAA), which is an inflammatory marker in cats, was reduced down to normal after 15 days of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) administration.


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The cat in this case was affected with skin disease caused by flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) and psychological alopecia.

Holistic treatment was the choice of treatment in this case. Medical treatment was applied to the cat and environments surrounding the cat was managed. PCSO-524® (Antinol®) in combination with other antipruritic drugs was used to relieve itch and inflammation of the chronic skin disease and to strengthen the skin.

During 210 days of the study, environment was managed and intensive parasitic control was applied to every cat in the house in order to control flea. The study showed efficacy of PCSO-524® (Antinol®) for treatment of skin inflammation, strengthening the skin, and itch relief.

During day 160-210 of the treatment, administration of other anti-itch drugs was terminated due to psychological alopecia that caused constant licking by the cat. PCSO-524® (Antinol®) was recommended in this case since it can be used for long-term treatment without adverse effects.

The study concluded that PCSO-524® (Antinol®) in combination with other antipruritic drugs and environmental management is effective.


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A spayed female domestic shorthaired cat aged 21 years and weighed 4.2 kilograms with history of chronic kidney disease and triaditis was referred to Suvarnachad Animal Hospital.

The cat showed signs of both hind limb weakness, limp tail and pain around posterior body part. Other signs included polydipsia, polyuria, and diarrhea. Radiographic examination revealed osteoarthritis at lumbosacral joint, elbow and both stifle joints. Hematological and blood chemistry tests showed mild anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, increased serum amyloid A and Increased Feline pancreatic lipase.

Administration of PCSO-524® and physical therapy were provided to reduce systematic and local pain and inflammation. The supportive treatment was continued for 15 months, during the first 2 months of which, the lumbosacral joint painwas reduced and then disappeared after 5 months. The control of elbow and knee joint pain was satisfied for the whole treatment period.

The cat was able to move the tail and resume normal walking after the 1st and 5th month of the treatment, respectively. Ability to jump and climb returned in the 5th and 8th month. However, the cat had improved defecation within 3 months. Testing of feline pancreatic lipase and serum amyloid A showed normal levels after 7 months of the treatment.


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A neutered male Domestic Shorthair cat aged 8 years was infected with FIV and diagnosed with nasal submucosa-T-cell lymphoma that was positive to CD3.

Four months later, tumor of iris and uveitis were found in the left eye. Treatment of inflammation of the left eye included prednisolone acetate 1% eye drop (lnf-oph® 1 %, Seng Thai company; Thailand) qid, doxycycline (Siadocin®, Siam Bheasach; Thailand) PO at the dose 10 mg/kg/day, prednisolone (Prednisolone GPO; Thailand) PO0.36 mg/kg bid.

Two weeks later, the size of tumor remained constant, the inflammation degree was reduced but creatinine level was increased. Administration of oral prednisolone, not the eye drop, was then terminated. Uveitis of the right eye was diagnosed and also fibrin in the anterior chamber and tumor of the iris were found in the right eye. Prednisolone acetate 1% eye drop was prescribed for both eyes.

The inflammation of both eyes still existed after 1 month of the prednisolone treatment. Green Lipped mussel extract, PCSO-524® (VetzPetz Antinol®, DKSH, Thailand), 1 capsule per day was then prescribed as an alternative of steroidal medication for control of inflammation, together with the prednisolone acetate 1 % eye drop in both eyes.

After 30 days of the start of PCSO-524® treatment, the tumor of iris disappeared and the severity of uveitis was reduced in both eyes.

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Three cats suffering from chronic kidney disease were admitted to animal hospital.

The first cat showed sudden onset of right hindlimb pain without apparent cause. Bladder stone was found in the second cat while the third cat was admitted for nursing care. Caging was applied and fluid therapy were administered for the third cat. All 3 cats had never been diagnosed with arthritis prior to the admission.

X-ray examination showed symptoms of arthritis at hip and stifle joints. PCSO-524® was then administered daily for 60 days.

Pain evaluation using Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (FMPI), which is a reliable and effective method for pain evaluation in cats (Benito et al., 2013), showed that, after the treatment, chronic pain was decreased in all of the cats (Appendix 1). The cats’ behavior was nearly normal compared with the behavior before the treatment. Interaction between the cats and owners was improved as well.

By the end of the experiment, UP/C ratio was not altered and blood creatinine tended to decrease.


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A Persian male cat was diagnosed with right hip luxation and left hip injury. While waiting for surgical treatment, the cat was treated with NSAIDs to control pain and inflammation.

After the operation on the right femoral head (right FHNE), the cat received antibiotics and NSAIDs for 10 and 3 consecutive days, respectively. Two weeks after the operation, the lameness and pain of the right hip, as observed from palpation, still remained, but the cat began to bear partial weight.

PCSO-524® was then prescribed and the gait analysis was performed to measure the angle of joint movement.

The monitoring showed increased angle of joint movement and decreased lameness score. This was consistent with the owner report that described less hiding behavior of the cat and improved high jump performance and better quality of life.

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Clinical study of PCSO-524 (ANTINOL™) as neutraceutical in canine allergic skin disease

Oral Presentation at The World Veterinary Congress WVAC 2018

This study included 31 allergic dogs with chronic pruritis with other skin diseases excluded.

Dogs were split into 3 treatment groups based on degree of pruritis, distribution, extension of the lesions and skin and coat condition; Group 1: mild, Group 2: moderate, and Group 3: severe.

All dogs received PCSO-524 loading dose 10 mg/kg q12hr PO for 2 weeks followed by a maintenance dose of 10 mg/kg q24hr PO.

All dogs were evaluated at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks for clinical response. The assessment made by the owners (PVAS Score) and Vets (CADESI-03 score).



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